Are you having difficulty making your mortgage payments? Are you experiencing a financial hardship? Do you worry that you will lose your home to foreclosure? Are you interested in learning what your options are? Financial situations can change, sometimes unexpectedly. …Read More
Tag Archives: rhode island mortgage help
I Received a Foreclosure Notice
What Should I Do? If you recently received a foreclosure notice, you may be wondering what to do. One thing that you should definitely not do is ignore the notice. If you ignore the notice, that will probably reduce the …Read More
Mortgage Help in Rhode Island
Due to current market conditions, mortgage companies have started offering loans that are considered “risky” because they are different from conventional or traditional loans. They do not follow the regulations of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This may lead to …Read More
Rhode Island Mortgage Help
Sometimes people get behind on their mortgage, or have difficulty paying it. Depending on which state you live in, and your mortgage company, if you miss enough mortgage payments, you could be at risk of losing your home to foreclosure. …Read More