Stay in Your Home

Mortgage interest rates continue to stay low, causing mortgage companies to expect a rise in new mortgage applications.  However, that isn’t happening, at least right now.  It seems that for whatever reason, many people want to stay in their current …Read More

Rhode Island Mortgage Modifications


Are you having difficulty making your mortgage payments? Are you experiencing a financial hardship? Do you worry that you will lose your home to foreclosure? Are you interested in learning what your options are? Financial situations can change, sometimes unexpectedly. …Read More

Will I be Approved for a Mortgage Modification?

If you are considering applying for a mortgage modification, you may wonder if your application will be approved. The only way to know if your application will be approved is to apply for one. There is no way to guarantee …Read More

How does a Loan Modification Work?

If you are looking into whether a mortgage or loan modification is right for you, you may be wondering how they work. If you are approved for one, a loan modification could possibly lower your mortgage payment. At the very …Read More

Mortgage & Financial Hardship

Financial hardships are situations, usually out of your control, where you simply do not have enough money to meet your needs, like your mortgage payment. It could be unexpected car trouble, or costly medical bills. It could be a loss …Read More

Best Mortgage Modification Lawyer

If you are struggling with your mortgage payment, speaking to a lawyer could help.  You don’t need to wait until your home is in foreclosure.  You may be able to modify or change your mortgage or home loan.  Your loan …Read More

Mortgage Help in Rhode Island

Due to current market conditions, mortgage companies have started offering loans that are considered “risky” because they are different from conventional or traditional loans. They do not follow the regulations of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This may lead to …Read More

Mortgage Help

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your mortgage payment?  If you are, then you are not alone.  In a recent study that looked at how stressed Americans feel about money, Rhode Island ranked the 13th most stressed state.  Further, there is …Read More

Principal Reduction

Another way that a mortgage may be modified is through a principal reduction. The principal amount is the amount that was borrowed to purchase the home. This is the amount that needs to be paid back. The principal amount does …Read More